Outside broadcasting

Not too big and not too small, our Sprinter OB-Van is fully equipped with a 40 input 8k Switch, runs on fiber, can record multicam up to 16 streams, it can host up to 4 people. Useful as a DIT Van also.

No Location is a problem when it comes to recording with Sýrland.

Our extensive collection of mobile equipment and facilities are quick and convenient to set up anywhere, and our fully equipped 4K OB Sprinter van is available to be sent to any location across Iceland, upon request.  It can be set up to 150 meters from the source via fiber, which is convenient for music festivals and larger arenas.

We take care of live broadcasts, live streams, concert or event recordings, have a fully programmable PTZ system, a graphics computer and years of experience of programming, scripting and operating without being seen.

also suitable for a fly on the wall documentaries and reality tv.

Stúdíó Sýrland has recorded anything from live music events to concerts and music festivals all over the country, and in some of the country’s most prestigious live music venues, including all of Harpa's concert halls, Laugardalshöll, Háskólabíó, many of the country's largest churches like Hallgrímskirkja to name just a few.

we can record on the move for you. For more information regarding this service and its possibilities contact us.